Sleep Advice from a Jetsetter
Time for some Beauty Sleep
As a “Nomadic Entrepreneur” I found myself constantly lacking sleep. Between business matters racing through my mind at night to being jet lagged; my body’s clock was non-existent.
As a result, I was getting sick, I saw my skin aging and of course I wasn’t as productive. Everyone around me noticed and I heard it from all angles. It got annoying. It’s not like I don’t want to live a happy, tired-less lifestyle. So, I knew I had to make a change.
I grew up on Long Island, where pain killers and sleep aides were handed out like candy. I’ve seen nothing good come from them and ZQuil gave me nightmares- so I stay clear of prescribed medicine. Although it’s a constant battle, I now do my best to follow more routines and introduce more natural methods to enhance my sleep.

When I travel:
- I cut out Caffeine a day before/after my flight and increase my water intake. Both Caffeine and Alcohol lead to dehydration which will affect sleep.
- White & blue lights from TV’s, laptops, and phones reduce the production of natural melatonin so I avoid them on flights. Instead, I catch up on reading which typically puts me to sleep.
- In my travel bag I always keep the following go-to products to help tune out distractions and relax:
- Ear plugs and an eye-mask (a MUST)
- I use roll-on natural oils from Aromatherapy Associates to relax and enhance my immune system. The Malin +Goetz roll on Cannabis perfume oil (gender neutral) is also a new favorite.
- Olly ‘Restful Sleep’ aide gummies, Tylenol Cold PM (because you never know when you’re getting sick), and PerriconeMD Travel booster supplements which enhance circulation during the flight.
- Depending on which direction I am flying, I try to stay up or go to sleep for the entire flight. It’s important to follow the destination’s time zone right away. If so, your body will acclimate by the second day.
- Stick to 1 or 2 airlines when traveling therefore you can gain miles and access free upgrades for more comfort.

When I’m at home:
- I switch to decaffeinated tea such as chamomile or hot lemon water 6 hours before bed.
- I don’t work out past 7 pm because I find it keeps me up later. I also try to end with the sauna or steam room so my body relaxes.
- Wake up early even if your exhausted so that you want to sleep earlier the next day.
- Make the most of your day with a to-do-list, prioritizing most important/hardest tasks therefore it’s not troubling you late night.
- An hour/ half hour prior to going to bed I take two Olly ‘Restful Sleep’ gummies
- I turn my phone on do not disturb so only the alarm clock can disturb my sleep.
- Flipd (locks for phone until designated time- even if you turn on/off your phone it won’t allow you back on!)
- Freedom (blocks certain apps for specified times)
- lux (reduces the blue lights on your phones)
- Depending on the evening I may shower with Aromatherapy oils. I’ve recently tried their Deep relax and de-stress scents.
- Don’t watch TV in bed.
- The bedroom setting is everything, so I love to make mine very Zen:
- I ensure my bed is made before getting in to it, room is tidy, completely dark and not too stuffy or hot.
- I use a diffuser next to my bed (aura lights off) mixing doTERRA’s Lavender, Serenity, and Balance oils – which I’ve been told is basically liquid Xanax.
- Listen to meditation and calming music to fall asleep. Youtube has some great options along with the following apps:
- Calm (Free with in app purchases)
- Natural Sound Relax Sleep (Free with in app purchases)
- Sleep Cycle (Free with in app purchases)
- Sleep Well Hypnosis (Free)
- Sleep Genius ($4.99)
So, that’s how I’m managing my hectic sleeping routine and leading a new rested lifestyle. I hope you can apply some tips to aide in your beauty sleep! Sweet Dreams…