Tips for Females Traveling Solo
By Sashi Ohara
As a solo female traveler, you’re prone to getting questionable looks and raised eyebrows from friends and family. But, then throw in there that you went to places like Istanbul and India and you’ll get a big old gasp followed with a long, “Wowwww, how did you find it?”
First off, traveling alone is good for the soul. It helps you connect with yourself to satisfy your wants and needs in a very different perspective. I’d suggest anybody to take at least one trip on their own, man or woman. You’ll discover new things about yourself and you’ll feel so free! You can do what you want, when you want. And let’s be honest, not a lot of people live their lives that way. This type of travel really helps with breaking out of your own shell, whether it’s to meet new people or try new things.
As women, we’re are “trained” to look at the world with fear and caution. This has been passed down by generations who have been subjected to sexual slurs or just plain sexism. It’s time for everybody to wake up and realize the world is not as bad as it once was. Times they are a changin’. Now, this doesn’t mean drop your guard, this means spike up that confidence within yourself. You’re strong enough, now learn to trust your gut and get out there!

Here are a few tips to help you along the way:
● Research the places you’re going to beforehand and wear appropriate clothing accordingly.
● Always tell somebody where you’re going. Whether it’s somebody you meet in the hostel or a quick message to your mom. It’s good to just put it out there.
● Carry around business card from where you’re staying. In case you get lost, you can hop in a taxi to get you back.
● Walk like your shit don’t stink and you know exactly where you’re going, even if you have been walking in the wrong direction for hours. Hey, maybe you’ll find something else just as interesting, like that statue you meant to go to on the other side of town…
● If people start hollering at you, ignore them. Remember they don’t know where you’re from, pretend like you don’t understand their language and just keep on moving along. #restingbitchface.
● If you go out for dinner by yourself and decide to have a drink with it, don’t over do it. Some people can’t hold their alcohol, and it’s better to be clear headed.
● If you go out with some new friends you just met at your hostel or in a group tour, trust your gut. If they’re cool, have a couple of drinks and again – don’t over do it.
● Traveling alone on trains and buses: I always carry two locks with me, and one is always for my backpack. If I’m on a bus and have to store my bag underneath, I always make sure to securely lock it. I then take my passport and wallet and put them in my shirt or in a small bag that I can keep close to me- Like, use as a pillow close to me. Travel insurance will cover the rest, God forbid it’s stolen.