ABC- Always Be Closing.
Selling for All
Not sure if it’s just an Extrovert thing or I was just born with it, but since I was a kid my Aunt told me I could sell Ice to an Eskimo.
I have been lucky enough to have had many mentors early on in life and gained interest in empowering books to become more successful. By age 27, I succeed to rank top ten sales representative in the nation, spoke on panels, gave talks for CE credits, and earned numerous sales awards/trips. Now please note, I’m not telling you this to brag, more so to build credibility.
None of the above came easy. I became a student and had a willingness to learn and work hard.
Early in my career, I never liked saying I was in “sales” because people automatically think of a used car salesmen. Earl Nightingale taught me that was the worst mistake one could make. While everyone has important roles, Sales is what drives the revenue to cover the cost of the business, so be proud!
Obviously a sales career isn’t for everyone, but we do it in our everyday lives without recognizing it. That’s why I titled this blog ABC…
So for those interested in sharpening your sales skills, I’ve shared some tips that have helped me along the way.
- Dress for success regardless if you’re at the top yet. First impressions are everything and people are more likely to buy from those whom appear successful.
- Role Play.
- Practice your introduction, elevator pitch, and objective of the meeting aloud. Use a voice recorder (iPhone) to listen back the rehearsal. You will learn a lot from hearing yourself.
- Discover Voice inflections. If your voice is monotone you sound like a robot and a rookie. Changing the pitch of your voice is powerful. Use it to elaborate specific words to exaggerate the point you are making. Here is a helpful YouTube to learn more.
- Body Mirroring. Take note of the body language the person in front of you has. Are they laid back in their chair? Sitting up straight? Learn to take note and follow their lead.
- Be a consultant.
- Uncover your prospect’s “pain” through probing questions. The word “why” is magical; constantly ask it.
- Write down key points you want to highlight on your end and take plenty of notes. Even though they may be speaking, YOU are in control of the conversation. This will help you stay on track and provide solutions to key pain points they mentioned during the conversation.
- Let them speak more than you do in the meeting. Listen to what they say, NOT what you want to hear.
- Be Honest.
- Know your product inside and out, yet don’t be afraid to admit if there are questions you are unsure of. Post meeting follow ups with additional answers are a good way to further the sale.
- Only push products you feel will genuinely work for the client. If they buy from you once and regret it they will never buy from you again. Not to mention, referrals are the best way to gain new leads.
- Keep a detailed track of your leads, prospects, channel partners, and clients. This will help you follow up on all avenues that can help you earn more revenue.
So this is just the tip of the iceberg, but a good start. I’ve also written Networking 101 which coincides with this article. But of course, if you have any further questions leave a comment below or email me 🙂